Longlong Nz Limited (issued a business number of 9429046159632) was launched on 30 May 2017. 5 addresess are in use by the company: 44A Bradbury Road, Botany Downs, Auckland, 2010 (type: office, delivery). Longlong Nz Limited used other names, namely: Y & P Trading Limited from 29 May 2017 to 29 Apr 2019. 100 shares are issued to 2 shareholders who belong to 2 shareholder groups. The first group includes 1 entity and holds 60 shares (60% of shares), namely:
Yim, Lam Put (a director) located at Botany Downs, Auckland postcode 2010. As far as the second group is concerned, a total of 1 shareholder holds 40% of all shares (40 shares); it includes
Yim, Long Chung (an individual) - located at Botany Downs, Auckland. "Computer maintenance service - including peripherals" (business classification S942210) is the category the Australian Bureau of Statistics issued to Longlong Nz Limited. The Businesscheck information was last updated on 19 Oct 2024.
Current address | Type | Used since |
44a Bradbury Road, Botany Downs, Auckland, 2010 | Physical & registered & service | 30 May 2017 |
Po Box 251443, Pakuranga, Auckland, 2140 | Postal | 29 Apr 2019 |
44a Bradbury Road, Botany Downs, Auckland, 2010 | Office & delivery | 26 Jun 2019 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Lam Put Yim
Botany Downs, Auckland, 2010
Address used since 30 May 2017 |
Director | 30 May 2017 - current |
44a Bradbury Road , Botany Downs , Auckland , 2010 |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Yim, Lam Put Director |
Botany Downs Auckland 2010 |
30 May 2017 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Yim, Long Chung Individual |
Botany Downs Auckland 2010 |
22 Apr 2019 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Pu, Jiaju Individual |
Li Wan District Guangzhou |
30 May 2017 - 22 Apr 2019 |
Shing Cheong Limited 44a Bradbury Road |
Dg & Ml Limited 23b Lexington Drive |
Graceland Limited 25 Lexington Drive |
Kgp Suter Trust Company Limited 36 Lexington Drive |
Kitchens With Sole Limited 61 Bradbury Road |
Restore Master Limited 16 St Simon Place |
Tasa Group Limited 101a Aviemore Drive |
Perfect Technology Limited 76 Haseler Crescent |
James It Solutions Limited 13b Ardagh Place |
Vk Tech Service Limited 98 Edgewater Drive |
Netbar Otara Limited 5a Kinmont Rise |
Nzict Limited 5a Kinmont Rise |