General information

Menz Shed Motueka Incorporated

Type: Incorporated Society (I)
New Zealand Business Number
Company Number
Company Status

Menz Shed Motueka Incorporated (issued an NZ business number of 9429043266142) was started on 19 May 2014. 4 addresses are in use by the company: C/-Gail Riddell, 1 Moffatt St, Motueka 7120 (type: registered, postal). Businesscheck's information was updated on 18 Apr 2024.

Current address Type Used since
C/-Gail Riddell, 1 Moffatt St, Motueka 7120 Registered unknown
C/-Gail Riddell, 1 Moffatt St, Motueka 7120 Postal unknown
C/-Tony Small, 50 Trewavas Street, Motueka 7120 Postal unknown
C/O Tony Small, 50 Trewavas Street, Motueka 7120 Registered unknown
Name and Address Role Period
Ian Davey officer 15 Jul 2020 - unknown
Other active addresses
Type Used since
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