1 address is currently in use by the company: 5 Haratua Place, Springfield, Rotorua 3015 (type: postal, registered). Our database was last updated on 18 Apr 2018.
Current address | Type | Used since |
5 Haratua Place, Springfield, Rotorua 3015 | Postal | unknown |
1305 Ranolf St, Rotorua | Registered | unknown |
Rotorua Civic Arts Trust C/o The Rotorua Energy Charitable Trust |
Age Concern Rotorua District Incorporated 1333 Eruera Street |
Grey Power Rotorua Incorporated 1333 Eruera Street |
Mortimer Design & Print Limited 1325 Eruera Street |
Owen Law Limited Level 1, 1160 Hinemoa Street |
Sutherland Commercial Properties Limited 1325c Eruera Street |