General information

Manpat Investment Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
New Zealand Business Number
Company Number
Company Status
L671110 - Apartment Renting Or Leasing - Except Holiday Apartment
Industry classification codes with description

Manpat Investment Limited (issued a business number of 9429042364269) was registered on 20 May 2016. 2 addresses are currently in use by the company: 8 Alexia Place, Flat Bush, Auckland, 2105 (type: physical, service). 100 shares are allotted to 2 shareholders who belong to 2 shareholder groups. The first group includes 1 entity and holds 10 shares (10 per cent of shares), namely:
Patel, Mantla Devi (a director) located at Flat Bush, Auckland postcode 2105. In the second group, a total of 1 shareholder holds 90 per cent of all shares (exactly 90 shares); it includes
Patel, Raman Lal (a director) - located at Flat Bush, Auckland. "Apartment renting or leasing - except holiday apartment" (business classification L671110) is the classification the Australian Bureau of Statistics issued Manpat Investment Limited. Businesscheck's data was updated on 27 Mar 2024.

Current address Type Used since
8 Alexia Place, Flat Bush, Auckland, 2105 Physical & service & registered 20 May 2016
Contact info
64 21567 144
Phone (Phone)
No website
Name and Address Role Period
Raman Lal Patel
Flat Bush, Auckland, 2105
Address used since 20 May 2016
Director 20 May 2016 - current
Mantla Devi Patel
Flat Bush, Auckland, 2105
Address used since 20 May 2016
Director 20 May 2016 - current
Financial Data
Financial info
Total number of Shares
Annual return filing month
25 Sep 2023
Annual return last filed
Country of origin
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 10
Shareholder Name Address Period
Patel, Mantla Devi
Flat Bush
20 May 2016 - current
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 90
Shareholder Name Address Period
Patel, Raman Lal
Flat Bush
20 May 2016 - current
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