Kelps Properties Limited (issued an NZBN of 9429042192725) was registered on 18 Feb 2016. 1 address is in use by the company: 50 Bloomfield Terrace, Hutt Central, Lower Hutt, 5010 (type: registered, physical). 1000 shares are allocated to 5 shareholders who belong to 3 shareholder groups. The first group includes 1 entity and holds 1 share (0.1% of shares), namely:
Julie Savage (an individual) located at Hutt Central, Lower Hutt postcode 5010. In the second group, a total of 3 shareholders hold 99.8% of all shares (998 shares); it includes
Julie Savage (an individual) - located at Hutt Central, Lower Hutt,
Graham Archer (an individual) - located at Thorndon, Wellington,
Peter Savage (a director) - located at Hutt Central, Lower Hutt. Next there is the 3rd group of shareholders, share allocation (1 share, 0.1%) belongs to 1 entity, namely:
Peter Savage, located at Hutt Central, Lower Hutt (a director). "Rental of residential property" (business classification L671160) is the category the Australian Bureau of Statistics issued to Kelps Properties Limited. Businesscheck's database was last updated on 16 Feb 2022.
Current address | Type | Used since |
50 Bloomfield Terrace, Hutt Central, Lower Hutt, 5010 | Registered & physical | 18 Feb 2016 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Peter Henry Savage
Hutt Central, Lower Hutt, 5010
Address used since 01 Aug 2017
Hutt Central, Lower Hutt, 5010
Address used since 18 Feb 2016 |
Director | 18 Feb 2016 - current |
50 Bloomfield Terrace , Hutt Central , Lower Hutt , 5010 |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Julie Mary Savage Individual |
Hutt Central Lower Hutt 5010 |
18 Feb 2016 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Julie Mary Savage Individual |
Hutt Central Lower Hutt 5010 |
18 Feb 2016 - current |
Graham Maurice Archer Individual |
Thorndon Wellington 6011 |
18 Feb 2016 - current |
Peter Henry Savage Director |
Hutt Central Lower Hutt 5010 |
18 Feb 2016 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Peter Henry Savage Director |
Hutt Central Lower Hutt 5010 |
18 Feb 2016 - current |
Crescent Property Services Limited 50 Bloomfield Terrace |
Allwonk Limited 50 Bloomfield Terrace |
Amia Limited Level 1 |
Cube Holdings Limited Level 1 |
Mechanical Access Company Limited Level 1 |
Orongorongo Station Limited Level 1 |
Open Investments Limited 50 Bloomfield Terrace |
You Reds Limited 65 Waterloo Road |
The Hub Property Group Limited Level 1, 8 Raroa Road |
C & S Peterson Limited Level 1, 8 Raroa Road |
Tirowhanga Limited Level 1, 8 Raroa Road |
Upc Property Limited Level 1, 8 Raroa Road |