Fitzpatrick's Brewing Co Limited (issued a business number of 9429037600969) was started on 28 Apr 1999. 5 addresess are in use by the company: 19 Keenan Road, Rd3, Tauranga, 3173 (type: postal, office). 24 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington had been their registered address, until 20 Feb 2004. Fitzpatrick's Brewing Co Limited used more names, namely: Business Intelligence Solutions Limited from 28 Apr 1999 to 16 Jul 2012. 100 shares are allocated to 2 shareholders who belong to 2 shareholder groups. The first group is composed of 1 entity and holds 50 shares (50 per cent of shares), namely:
Fitzpatrick, Craig Darren (an individual) located at Rd3, Tauranga postcode 3173. As far as the second group is concerned, a total of 1 shareholder holds 50 per cent of all shares (50 shares); it includes
Fitzpatrick, Catherine Margaret (an individual) - located at Rd3, Tauranga. "Breweries" (business classification C121220) is the category the Australian Bureau of Statistics issued Fitzpatrick's Brewing Co Limited. The Businesscheck database was last updated on 25 Nov 2024.
Current address | Type | Used since |
19 Keenan Road, Pyes Pa, Tauranga | Physical & registered & service | 20 Feb 2004 |
19 Keenan Road, Rd3, Tauranga, 3173 | Postal & delivery | 23 Feb 2021 |
19 Keenan Road, Pyes Pa, Tauranga, 3173 | Office | 23 Feb 2021 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Catherine Margaret Fitzpatrick
Rd 3, Tauranga, 3173
Address used since 01 Mar 2010 |
Director | 28 Apr 1999 - current |
Craig Darren Fitzpatrick
Rd 3, Tauranga, 3173
Address used since 01 Mar 2010 |
Director | 28 Apr 1999 - current |
19 Keenan Road , Pyes Pa , Tauranga , 3173 |
Previous address | Type | Period |
24 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington | Registered | 12 Apr 2000 - 20 Feb 2004 |
24 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington | Physical | 29 Apr 1999 - 20 Feb 2004 |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Fitzpatrick, Craig Darren Individual |
Rd3 Tauranga 3173 |
13 Feb 2004 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Fitzpatrick, Catherine Margaret Individual |
Rd3 Tauranga 3173 |
13 Feb 2004 - current |
Dac Contractors Limited 463 Pyes Pa Road |
Tauranga Badminton Club (2003) Incorporated C/-s Stevens |
Plants Direct 2007 Limited 520 Pyes Pa Road |
Reas Road Farm Limited 170 Keenan Road |
Summit Capital Certus Limited 170 Keenan Road |
Keenan Park Trustees Limited 170 Keenan Road |
669 Enterprises Limited 669 Welcome Bay Road |
Death Valley Brewing Co Limited 65a Churchill Road |
Lumberjack Brewing Co Limited 247 Cameron Road |
The Croucher Brewing Company Limited 166 Lake Road |
Quarter Acre Trading Limited 6 Kings Crescent |
Glenview Horticulture Limited 25 Willoughby Street |