Pma Group Limited (NZBN 9429036520381) was started on 15 May 2002. 2 addresses are in use by the company: 33 Puru Crescent, Lyall Bay, Wellington, 6022 (type: physical, registered). 33 Puru Crescent, Lyall Bay, Wellington 6003 had been their registered address, up until 07 Sep 2015. Pma Group Limited used more names, namely: Bloc Eyewear Nz Limited from 23 Feb 2004 to 04 Aug 2015, Bloc Nz Limited (15 May 2002 to 23 Feb 2004). 100 shares are allotted to 3 shareholders who belong to 3 shareholder groups. The first group consists of 1 entity and holds 10 shares (10 per cent of shares), namely:
Ward-Pickering, Diana Mary (an individual) located at Lyall Bay, Wellington 6003. As far as the second group is concerned, a total of 1 shareholder holds 10 per cent of all shares (exactly 10 shares); it includes
Pickering, Geoff (an individual) - located at Lyall Bay, Wellington 6003. The 3rd group of shareholders, share allocation (80 shares, 80%) belongs to 1 entity, namely:
The Ward-Pickering Family Trust, located at Lyall Bay, Wellington (an other). "House cleaning service" (business classification N731120) is the category the ABS issued Pma Group Limited. The Businesscheck database was updated on 24 Sep 2024.
Current address | Type | Used since |
33 Puru Crescent, Lyall Bay, Wellington, 6022 | Physical & registered & service | 07 Sep 2015 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Geoffrey Pickering
Lyall Bay, Wellington, 6022
Address used since 15 Nov 2015 |
Director | 15 May 2002 - current |
Diana Ward-pickering
Lyall Bay, Wellington, 6022
Address used since 15 Nov 2015 |
Director | 01 Feb 2004 - current |
33 Puru Crescent , Lyall Bay , Wellington , 6022 |
Previous address | Type | Period |
33 Puru Crescent, Lyall Bay, Wellington 6003 | Registered & physical | 15 May 2002 - 07 Sep 2015 |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Ward-pickering, Diana Mary Individual |
Lyall Bay Wellington 6003 |
15 May 2002 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Pickering, Geoff Individual |
Lyall Bay Wellington 6003 |
06 Jul 2004 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
The Ward-pickering Family Trust Other (Other) |
Lyall Bay Wellington 6022 |
15 Mar 2014 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Pickering, Geoffrey Individual |
Lyall Bay Wellington 6003 |
15 May 2002 - 15 Mar 2014 |
Ward-pickering, Diana Individual |
Lyall Bay Wellington 6003 |
06 Jul 2004 - 15 Mar 2014 |
Rasch, Ramona Individual |
Kilbirnie Wellington 6003 |
06 Jul 2004 - 15 Mar 2014 |
M.u.m. Productions Limited 33 Puru Crescent |
Aotearoa Dj Limited 29 Puru Crescent |
Raw Entertainment Limited 29 Puru Crescent |
Pinnell Property Limited 7 Puru Crescent |
Demb Limited 12 Puru Crescent |
Commix Group Limited 23 Apu Crescent |
Mark's Cleaning Limited 2/18 Halifax St |
Zap Limited 7/114 Lambton Quay |
Kim & Leisa Limited 4a Sirsi Terrace |
Bjj Services Limited 103 Churton Drive |
Pitney House Washing Limited 49 Tennyson Street |
Dykstra & Dykstra Limited 30 Rowells Road |