General information

Romar Investments Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
New Zealand Business Number
Company Number
Company Status
L671230 - Investment - Commercial Property
Industry classification codes with description

Romar Investments Limited (issued a business number of 9429036136759) was registered on 25 Feb 2003. 2 addresses are currently in use by the company: 167 West Harbour Drive, West Harbour, Auckland, 0618 (type: registered, physical). 100 shares are allocated to 2 shareholders who belong to 2 shareholder groups. The first group contains 1 entity and holds 50 shares (50% of shares), namely:
Latimer, Margaret Therese (an individual) located at West Harbour, Auckland postcode 0618. As far as the second group is concerned, a total of 1 shareholder holds 50% of all shares (50 shares); it includes
Latimer, Roger Edward (an individual) - located at West Harbour, Auckland. "Investment - commercial property" (ANZSIC L671230) is the classification the ABS issued to Romar Investments Limited. The Businesscheck database was last updated on 07 Sep 2024.

Current address Type Used since
167 West Harbour Drive, West Harbour, Auckland, 0618 Registered & physical & service 25 Feb 2003
Contact info
No website
Name and Address Role Period
Roger Edward Latimer
West Harbour, Auckland, 0618
Address used since 25 Feb 2003
Director 25 Feb 2003 - current
Margaret Therese Latimer
West Harbour, Auckland, 0618
Address used since 25 Feb 2003
Director 25 Feb 2003 - current
Financial Data
Financial info
Total number of Shares
Annual return filing month
01 Nov 2023
Annual return last filed
Country of origin
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 50
Shareholder Name Address Period
Latimer, Margaret Therese
West Harbour
25 Feb 2003 - current
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 50
Shareholder Name Address Period
Latimer, Roger Edward
West Harbour
25 Feb 2003 - current
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