Y1Ft Avondale Limited (NZBN 9429031006927) was registered on 25 Jul 2011. 1 address is in use by the company: 4Th Floor, Smith & Caughey Building, 253 Queen Street, Auckland, 1141 (type: registered, physical). 100 shares are issued to 2 shareholders who belong to 1 shareholder group. The first group contains 2 entities and holds 100 shares (100 per cent of shares), namely:
Gerald Young (a director) located at Epsom, Auckland postcode 1023,
Bruce Sheppard (an individual) located at Bucklands Beach, Auckland postcode 2012. "Investment - commercial property" (ANZSIC L671230) is the classification the ABS issued Y1Ft Avondale Limited. Our information was updated on 24 Nov 2021.
Current address | Type | Used since |
4th Floor, Smith & Caughey Building, 253 Queen Street, Auckland, 1141 | Registered & physical | 25 Jul 2011 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Gerald Lawrence Young
Epsom, Auckland, 1023
Address used since 25 Jul 2011 |
Director | 25 Jul 2011 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Gerald Lawrence Young Director |
Epsom Auckland 1023 |
25 Jul 2011 - current |
Bruce Raymond Sheppard Individual |
Bucklands Beach Auckland 2012 |
25 Jul 2011 - current |
Pacific Intelligence Trustees Limited 4th Floor |
M3c Limited 4th Floor |
Pegasus Motors Limited 4th Floor |
Ang Family Trustee Limited 4th Floor |
Glendhu Trustee Limited 4th Floor |
Intec Corporate Trustee 2 Limited 4th Floor |
Tiki Towers Limited 4th Floor |
Alessandro Investments Limited Level 4 Smith & Caughey Bldg |
Sdp Trustees Co. Limited 4th Floor, Smith & Caughey Building |
Zyron Corporation Limited Suite6, Level 3 |
Corvus New Zealand Limited Level 4, 52 Symonds Street |
Balfour Whitmore Limited Level 1, 6 Viaduct Harbour Avenue |