General information

Paterson Commercial Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
New Zealand Business Number
Company Number
Company Status
L671230 - Investment - Commercial Property
Industry classification codes with description

Paterson Commercial Limited (issued a business number of 9429030922891) was started on 10 Oct 2011. 1 address is in use by the company: 20 Arawa Street, Matamata, 3400 (type: physical, registered). 1000 shares are allocated to 2 shareholders who belong to 2 shareholder groups. The first group contains 1 entity and holds 490 shares (49 per cent of shares), namely:
Natasha Burnett (an individual) located at Avondale, Auckland postcode 1026. When considering the second group, a total of 1 shareholder holds 51 per cent of all shares (510 shares); it includes
Simon Paterson (a director) - located at Rd 1, Waimauku. "Investment - commercial property" (business classification L671230) is the classification the ABS issued Paterson Commercial Limited. Our database was last updated on 28 Oct 2021.

Current address Type Used since
20 Arawa Street, Matamata, 3400 Registered & physical 10 Oct 2011
Name and Address Role Period
Simon James Paterson
Rd 1, Waimauku, 0881
Address used since 10 Jul 2014
Avondale, Auckland, 1026
Address used since 18 Nov 2019
Director 10 Oct 2011 - current
Financial Data
Financial info
Total number of Shares
Annual return filing month
19 Jan 2021
Annual return last filed
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 490
Shareholder Name Address Period
Natasha Lee Burnett
05 Aug 2014 - current
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 510
Shareholder Name Address Period
Simon James Paterson
Rd 1
10 Oct 2011 - current
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