Vaneth Investment Group Limited (issued a business number of 9429030606296) was incorporated on 29 Jun 2012. 2 addresses are currently in use by the company: 16 Wye Oak Drive, Schnapper Rock, Auckland, 0632 (type: physical, registered). 10000000 shares are allotted to 1 shareholder who belongs to 1 shareholder group. The first group consists of 1 entity and holds 10000000 shares (100 per cent of shares), namely:
Wen, Pingping (an individual) located at Schnapper Rock, Auckland postcode 0632. "Non-financial asset investment" (business classification L664050) is the category the ABS issued Vaneth Investment Group Limited. Our database was updated on 11 Sep 2024.
Current address | Type | Used since |
16 Wye Oak Drive, Schnapper Rock, Auckland, 0632 | Physical & registered & service | 29 Jun 2012 |
Name and Address | Role | Period |
Pingping Wen
Schnapper Rock, Auckland, 0632
Address used since 29 Jun 2012 |
Director | 29 Jun 2012 - current |
Weiyu Liao
Wattle Downs, Auckland, 2103
Address used since 01 Jul 2012 |
Director | 01 Jul 2012 - current |
Shareholder Name | Address | Period |
Wen, Pingping Individual |
Schnapper Rock Auckland 0632 |
29 Jun 2012 - current |
Nutriking Group Limited 16 Wye Oak Drive |
Ho's Group Limited 16 Wye Oak Drive |
Renowned Property Limited 12 Wye Oak Drive |
Northern Transport Limited 15 Wye Oak Drive |
Lip Trustee Limited 15 Wye Oak Drive |
Lip Holdings Trustee Limited 15 Wye Oak Drive |
Tusic Limited 1/5 Airborne Rd, |
Rosoman And Shaw Trustee Limited 5-7 Corinthian Drive |
Ats Global Capital Limited 6 Bryers Place |
Tgp Corporate Trustees Limited 259 Ridge Road |
Tiniroto Forest 36 Limited 8 Glen Bay Close |
Maoliren (nz) Limited 34 Baulcomb Parade |